Heaven’s Gate Suicide Mansion Soil

Heaven’s Gate Suicide Mansion Soil Sample (4x6 Framed Display)
On March 26, 1997, authorities discovered the bodies of 39 members of the Heaven’s Gate cult inside a rented mansion in Rancho Santa Fe, California. Led by Marshall Applewhite, the group believed they were shedding their earthly vessels to ascend to a higher plane aboard an extraterrestrial spacecraft trailing the Hale-Bopp comet. This mass suicide became one of the most infamous cult events in modern history, leaving behind an eerie legacy of blind faith, cosmic transcendence, and a home forever tied to their final act.
This is a 4x6 inch framed sample of soil collected from the site of the Heaven’s Gate mansion.
Note: No two frames are identical. The soil sample you receive will vary slightly from the one pictured.