The Art of Self-Harm Screen Used Torture Candle #2
Mondo Siam (Vile Video Productions DVD #5)
Symbolicus Vol. 1 (Vile Video Productions DVD #6)
EGN 1: Barf Bunny (Vile Video Productions DVD #7)
Michael: A Murderabilia Memoriam (Vile Video Productions DVD #8)
EGN 2: The Degenerates (Vile Video Productions DVD #9)
Symbolicus Vol. 2 (Vile Video Productions DVD #10)
EGN 3: Defilement of a Porcelain Doll (Vile Video Productions DVD #11)
EGN 3: Defilement of a Porcelain Doll Limited Edition Big Box
Sold Out -
Beyond Horror (Vile Video Productions DVD #12)
Splat! The Early Works of Jonathan Doe (Vile Video Productions DVD #13)
Aileen Wuornos Handwriting Sample Frame